Tag Archives: urologist in Ghaziabad

urologist in Noida

Know the most common urological diseases in women

Many people still believe that the urologist is a doctor who only takes care of men’s health, but this is a mistake. Various diseases, many of them common to women, such as urinary tract infection, for example, can and should be treated by this specialist. He is responsible for ensuring the health and proper functioning of the urinary tract of adults, men, women, children or the elderly.

Any problem involving the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra can be treated by the urologist in Ghaziabad. Urinary loss, pain or discomfort when urinating, presence of blood in the urine or pain in the kidneys are warning signs that it is time for the woman to seek help from this specialist. This visit is important so that the urologist in Noida can make a careful assessment of what may be happening and early to detect potentially more serious problems, such as bladder or kidney cancer.

The most common urological diseases in women that can be treated by the best urologist in Noida are:

Urinary infections: caused by bacteria, the main symptoms are burning to urinate, urge to urinate several times during the day, urinary bleeding, urine with strong odor and color and pelvic pain;

Urinary incontinence: it is the involuntary loss of urine. This usually occurs when a person sneezes, coughs, or makes some physical effort. But it can also be associated with a very strong urge to urinate that makes the person unable to “hold” the urine until they reach the bathroom;

Bladder cancer: it is one of the most common types of cancer of the urinary tract and the 19th most frequent among women, according to the National Cancer Institute (Inca). Blood in the urine, painful urination and frequent urge to go to the bathroom are the most common symptoms of the disease. In this case, monitoring with a urologist is essential;

Kidney cancer: the kidneys are organs located at the back of the abdomen, close to the spine, whose main function is to “filter” the blood and clean it from “impurities”. In general, localized and small tumors rarely cause symptoms and most of them are diagnosed through an image exam (ultrasound or computed tomography), requested for another reason. The main symptoms of the disease are: bleeding in the urine (hematuria), low back or abdominal pain and the presence of a palpable mass in the abdomen.


Phimosis: When is Surgery Necessary?

Do you know that excess skin that stays on the penis, making it difficult to expose the glans (head of the genital organ)? So, that’s phimosis. This condition is usually inherent in baby boys. However, in adolescence and, especially, in adulthood, it becomes a problem. Therefore, surgical intervention ends up being the solution for those who need to remove excess foreskin. In addition to discomfort, sexual performance problems, urinary tract infection and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), phimosis is also responsible for the emergence of many other illnesses – among which is penis cancer.

The lack of hygiene is one of the conditions that favor the appearance of the neoplasia. However, many times, adolescents or men who go through this situation are unable to perform the cleaning properly. In other words, the picture is not always related to the lack of cleanliness. It can also be related to the limitation imposed by excess skin in the region. So, in order to remove obstacles and clarify doubts, urologist in Noida gives some reasons why the surgery is necessary. 

Is there a way to prevent phimosis?

Unfortunately, this is not a case of prevention. The formation of this skin, which covers the head of the penis, occurs in the fetal phase. In other words, boys are already born with it.

What are the most suitable treatments?

In the first moment, urologist in Ghaziabad usually indicates corticosteroid ointments, because they have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties. Therefore, they facilitate the sliding of the skin over the glans. In a second step, the recommended treatment is the exercise of retracting the skin of the foreskin, which allows the skin to loosen gradually, without causing much pain. Generally, the practice is indicated for boys over 5 years old.

When is surgical intervention necessary?

Postectomy or circumcision, as this type of intervention is also called, is indicated when previous treatments have not produced satisfactory results. In general, the surgery to remove excess skin is simple, lasts about 30 minutes, and the procedure is done with local anesthesia. It can be general, depending on the context in which urologist in Greater Noida and patient find themselves. Although the recovery is a little painful, the patient is discharged the same day.

What are the advantages of phimosis surgery?

The first benefit, and perhaps one of the most important, is the possibility of complete hygiene of the genital organ, without hindrance, because it is no longer necessary to pull the skin. Another benefit of it, certainly, is the reduction of infections by sexual contact. But, of course, this does not dispense with the use of condoms. It is also worth mentioning that this operation must be done before adolescence, precisely to minimize trauma. As we have seen, phimosis brings numerous obstacles to the lives of adolescents and men. Therefore, surgery should not be postponed. In addition to the delay enhancing the problems, it also ends up compromising the psychological side of those who go through it. 

Want to know more? I am available to answer any questions you may have and I will be very happy to respond to your comments on this matter.

kidney stone

4 Treatments For Kidney Stones

The combination of certain substances in the urinary channels or inside the kidneys favours the formation of kidney stones. Generally, diets high in salt and industrialized foods, combined with low hydration and family history, are relevant factors in this context. Precisely because they contribute to the composition of this solid mass. According to the best urologist in Noida, 10% of the population goes through this trauma. In addition, the kidney stone, as the kidney stone is popularly known, affects many more men than women – most occurring between 20 and 40 years old.

Kidney stone symptoms

It is worth mentioning that the pain caused by kidney stones is described as uncontrollable. In general, people squirm, some even throw themselves on the floor, given the stress caused. However, in addition to indescribable pain, other symptoms can manifest, such as fever, vomiting, blood and pain when urinating, are commonly associated with this type of acute manifestation. So, in order to relieve these spasms and improve your health, I have listed some effective kidney stone treatments, want to see? Read on!

1. Drink more water

Water is essential in body hydration, as it helps in the transport of nutrients and contributes to the elimination of certain waste from the body. For example, when the stone is very small, it is naturally expelled by the simple act of drinking water.

2. Avoid drinking water

“What do you mean?”, You must be asking yourself. So, that’s exactly it. In times of crisis, it is essential to avoid drinking fluids. As a preventive measure, and also as a form of treatment, water is excellent. However, during renal colic, it complicates the patient’s life. Typically, cramps occur the moment the stones block the urinary tract. Many people believe that drinking water during a crisis helps the kidney to force the stone down. However, the measure is disastrous, because, at the time of the obstruction, the kidney filters the liquid, but there is no way to eliminate it. So there is swelling and a lot of pain.

3. Eat a balanced diet

As I reported, processed foods and drinks harm the lives of those who suffer from kidney stones. So avoid them, because they concentrate a significant amount of chemicals and sodium in the body. Salt favours the formation of kidney stones, so restricting or reducing it in meals will bring benefits, especially for those who suffer from hypertension. Another caution you need to take is calcium intake – it cannot be too little or too much. If you don’t know, in the intestine there is a significant concentration of a compound called oxalate. When it cannot find calcium, that compound simply leaves for the urinary system and sticks to the calcium there. Hence, the development of the dreaded stone begins. So, the correct intake of this element is essential for kidney health.

4. Get medical help

The size of the kidney stone is an important factor because it directs treatment. Generally, stones above 4 millimetres are expelled with the help of painkillers. In the case of those with more than 10 millimetres, surgical intervention is recommended. In the treatment of kidney stones, some precautions are essential to ensure kidney health and relief. Therefore, medical monitoring is also necessary, because, with the help of urologist in Ghaziabad, the patient is able to live well and better. Want to know more? I am available to answer any questions you may have and I will be very happy to answer your comments on this matter. 

Cystitis treatment

How to Combat Cystitis?

Have you ever had a promising plan broken because of an uncomfortable or painful sensation in your genital area? Has it happened to you to continually want to pee and feel discomfort when urinating? Don’t worry, it’s more frequent than you might think. Cystitis is a problem that affects a high percentage of the population but has a solution if we team up with an expert urologist in Noida to combat it.

What is cystitis and how does it occur?

Cystitis is an acute inflammation of the urinary bladder due to an infection by the invasion of microorganisms. Normally responsible is the e.coli bacteria, which lives in the guts of humans and is usually harmless in most cases, except for some more dangerous strains. It is usual that the body itself discards these bacteria with urine, so it is essential to drink plenty of water (between 1 litre and a half and 2 litres per day, according to the constitution and food of each person). However, sometimes these bacteria attach to the urethral walls or bladder and multiply so quickly that they cannot all be expelled with urine. That’s when inflammation occurs that leads to cystitis.

What are the symptoms?

The most common are discomfort and pain when urinating, burning sensation or burning in urination, urgent and/or frequent need to urinate, cloudy urine colour and strong urine odour. Other symptoms include pain in the side area, pain or discomfort when having sex and feeling fatigued. However, symptoms may vary by patient.

Are there different types of cystitis?

You can talk about bacterial or infectious cystitis, which is caused by bacterial infection, and non-infectious cystitis, which has no specific cause and is common in women of childbearing age. The latter may arise from the use of feminine hygiene sprays, spermicides or as a result of adverse reactions to certain medicinal products. It may also result from prolonged use of a catheter or complications from other existing pathologies. It is advisable to go to the best urologist in Noida to determine the origin of cystitis and the most appropriate treatment for each case.

On the other hand, sporadic cystitis can be differentiated (there is only one episode on time) or repeat cystitis (there are more than 3 episodes in a 12-month period). According to a research, 37% of women suffer at least one episode of cystitis in their lifetime and 12% suffer from them on a recurring basis.

Is it common?

It is a very common pathology, especially in women. According to the best urologist in Ghaziabad, cystitis especially affects women between the ages of 18 and 39 “coinciding with the age of maximum sexual activity in women”. He also notes that about 50-60% of women in the premenopausal phase suffer from a urinary tract infection and that, of that scale, 90% is cystitis.

However, men also experience episodes of cystitis, sometimes due to an enlarged prostate that, by slowing down urine flow, increases the risk of infection.

Cystitis is common in people who have frequent medical exams with tubes or catheters or those who need tubes. The incidence of this pathology is higher in older patients, as they progressively decrease the faculties of the nervous system to control the bladder. Similarly, in the event of a mismatch of the immune system, there is an increased risk of an episode of cystitis.

People with diabetes, hypercalcemia, or immunosuppression are considered more likely to develop episodes of cystitis.

Having cystitis is very common and can occur to anyone, however, with proper treatment and in the hands of a good urologist in Ghaziabad, it is a risk-free problem.

What treatments are available?

The first and most important thing is to go to the best urologist in Greater Noida to confirm the origin of cystitis and to consider our entire profile with blood and urine tests and any background that can provide more information.

Normally, if it is caused by a bacterium it will prescribe antibiotics and if it is caused by a virus it will prescribe antivirals. As general recommendations, urologist in Greater Noida recommends drinking large amounts of water to clean the urinary ducts well and avoid tobacco, alcohol intake and high-spice meals during episodes of cystitis.

What can I do to avoid getting cystitis or improving symptoms?

Food habits. Some foods and drinks are discouraged when the patient has an episode of cystitis, such as very strong or fermented cheeses, dairy enriched with cream, very fatty meats, sausages, bacon, black pudding, undercooked pasta, candied or frosted fruits, fruits in syrup, alcoholic beverages, coffee or tea with high theine content, confectionery products, chocolates and high fat fries. Instead, it is advisable to add to the diet natural juices, especially American cranberry, vegetables (some of them raw), fish, meats and eggs in the rations that marks a healthy diet.

Hygienic habits. In addition to proper hygiene in the genital area, it is not excessive not to eliminate the genital natural flora, but that does not be in shortening either, in the case of women it is advisable that when urinating they clean from front to back. A safety measure to prevent cystitis is to urinate after sex, eliminating potential toxins that access the urethra and cause infection. Finally add that it is necessary not to stay long periods of time with a wet or damp swimsuit in the genital area, which is a conducive focus to give rise to infections.

Peyronie's Disease

What Do We Need To Know About Peyronie’s Disease?

What is Peyronie’s disease

Peyronie’s disease also called the plastic induration of the penis or the chronic inflammation of the albumin, represents the growth of fibrous plaques in the soft tissue of the penis, respectively in the albuminous tunic, which surrounds as an elastic sheath each of the two cavernous bodies of the penis, located on the lateral parts. and causes an abnormal curvature to occur.

A certain degree of curvature of the penis can be normal and innate, without causing complications, but Peyronie’s disease is a chronic inflammation that can cause pain, hardening, large size lesions and erectile dysfunction with painful erections, painful sexual intercourse, lack of rigidity, distal penis, toward the tip of the fibrous area and abnormal curvature that increases during erection.

Erectile dysfunction can have many causes, Peyronie’s disease being a rare cause, affecting about 4% of men.

Concern about the curvature of the penis can cause stress and anxiety, which also contribute to worsening erectile dysfunction. However, quite a number of men affected by this disorder have a satisfying sex life, says sexologist in Noida.

Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of Peyronie’s disease may appear suddenly or may develop gradually. The main sign is the curvature of the penis – the penis is curved laterally, up or down, depending on where the fibrous plaques are located.

Other signs and symptoms include the hard plates that feel under the skin of the penis and contain scar tissue in the form of strips or clumps, usually in the upper part of the penis; by accumulating calcium these plaques can become very hard and lead to severe curvature, painful erections or weak erections because the hardened tissue reduces elasticity in that area and makes intercourse difficult. Sometimes, during erection, the penis may shorten or narrow at a certain point. Rarely, the penis can acquire a form of an hourglass.

Curvature and shortening of the penis associated with Peyronie’s disease may worsen over time, but usually, stabilize after 3-12 months after onset. The pain during the erection decreases after 1-2 years.

The disorder occurs rarely in young adults, being more frequent between 40 and 70 years, says sexologist in Ghaziabad.

Causes And Risk Factors

The causes of Peyronie’s disease are not at all known. It can be caused by minor, repeated, penile injuries, either during sexual intercourse or as a result of sports activity or other accidents. After scar tissue is formed, over time, the plaques characteristic of this disease develops.

Genetic factors may be involved because there is an increased risk for men who have relatives suffering from Peyronie’s disease. Also, increased risk exists for those who have connective tissue disorders, such as tympanosclerosis or Dupuytren contracture, which is a thickening and contraction of the tissues of the hand, through which the fingers are drawn inwards.

It appears especially in older men with weak erections and frequent sexual intercourse. It is also associated with diabetes, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, surgical treatment of the prostate and occurs more frequently in smokers. Occasionally, it is associated with fibromatous degeneration of the outer cartilage.

The disease has two phases – acute and chronic. In the acute phase, which lasts 6-18 months, there is penile pain, curvature, and nodules, and in the chronic phase the fibrous plates do not increase and the curvature of the penis does not worsen anymore, and the pain during the erection disappears.

The diagnosis can be made by the urologist in Noida by palpation and discussion with the patient. Simple ultrasound and duplex Doppler scanning can also be used.

In this way, a possible arterial insufficiency or veno-occlusive dysfunction can be observed, which can result from the fibrous plaque influencing the blood circulation and which are also causes of erectile dysfunction. Radiographically, cleavages can be observed, these being an indication for surgery

Treatment of Peyronie’s Disease

In mild cases, when there is no pain or the pain is mild, when the curvature does not accentuate and the sex life is satisfactory, the urologist in Ghaziabad will recommend the evolution of the disease.

In more severe cases treatment is prescribed. Injections can be made with collagen products (collagenase) if the curvature of the penis forms an angle greater than 30 degrees. It is also prescribed injections with interferon or oral verapamil.

Some techniques are still in the experimental phase. Thus, some patients may benefit from iontophoresis, a technique by which a weak electrical current passes through the skin, favoring the absorption of drugs in the affected area. Another option is extracorporeal shock wave therapy. Radiation therapy was also experienced.

The administration of vitamin E has doubtful effects. The administration of the vitamin B complex also does not guarantee positive effects. As well as some anti-estrogenic, antioxidant or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Sometimes easy exercises for stretching the penis manually or with special devices – stretching the penis when it is not erect, for 30 seconds, three times a day, for 6 weeks after treatment with collagen products and straightening it for 30 seconds once a day, during spontaneous erection.

Surgical treatment is generally prescribed by sexologist in Delhi in cases of severe deformity and only in the chronic phase of the disease, after the degree of curvature and the size of the plates have stabilized for at least 3-6 months.

Surgical techniques include elongation of the lateral penis by incision, excision of the plates and skin graft, when the curvature is over 60 degrees, shortening of the lateral penis when the disease is less serious and the penis rather long, penile prosthesis or implant (flexible or inflatable cylinders inserted into the cavernous bodies).

The implant can be permanent, giving the penis a semi-rigid character, sufficient for sexual intercourse, or activated by a pump located in the scrotum, which produces a stronger erection.

Patients suffering from Peyronie’s Disease are better off changing their lifestyle – quitting smoking, doing gymnastics, reducing alcohol use and not taking drugs. The urologist in Delhi should be consulted when pain occurs, with or without an erection, and when priapism occurs – unwanted and persistent erection for more than 30 minutes, sometimes accompanied by pain.


Urinary Tract Infection Causes and Symptoms

Infection caused in the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra or prostate gland is known as urinary tract infection(UTI). According to the urologist in Noida, Ghaziabad, Vaishali, Greater Noida, sexually active women are generally more at risk of suffering from this condition. Females other than sexually active age groups and men are otherwise immune to urinary tract infections. If they got UTI, they should be thoroughly investigated for its cause by a urologist in Ghaziabad.

Some of the causes which contribute to the development of this infection are:

  1. Females have short urethra: Due to the short length of the urethra, a lot of bacteria got entry into the urinary bladder from the vagina, during sexual intercourse. Therefore, it is wise for females to urinate after intercourse so that bacteria flush out in the urine. If not, these bacteria will lead to UTI.
  2. Prostatitis is very common in young males: Infection of the prostate gland is very common in young males. Semen is naturally produced. If a young male does not ejaculate regularly, this stocked up semen leads to prostatitis. That’s why regular ejaculation is very important for males. Therefore, Masturbation is healthy, not harmful.
  3. Urination after ejaculation in males is harmful: If male urinates immediately after ejaculation, then some urine refluxes into the open mouth of prostate glands. Urinary chemicals cause prostatitis. Therefore, males should not void immediately after ejaculation.
  4. Phimosis: In male children, if prepuce does not open properly, it may cause infection.
  5. Unprotected sexual intercourse: Unprotected intercourse may transmit infections to other partners if one partner has infection.
  6. Uncontrolled diabetes
  7. Kidney, ureteric and bladder stones
  8. Prostate Enlargements
  9. Urethral stricture
  10. Congenital disorders in children

Some of the symptoms of urinary tract infection are:

  1. A nagging urge to urinate: One of the most predominant symptoms of urinary tract infection is a persistent, nagging urge to urinate.
  2. There is a burning sensation when you urinate: If you feel a burning sensation while urinating, chances are extremely high that you are suffering from urinary tract infection.
  3. Red-colored urine: Sometimes your urine may contain perceptible amount of blood in them.
  4. Foul smelled urine: An internal infection in the urinary tract manifests itself in different ways. One of the chief symptoms of this infection is discharging foul-smelling urine.
  5. Pain in the pelvic area: Women who suffer from urinary tract infection experience excruciating pain near the pelvic area, sometimes extending to the pubic bone.
  6. Fever with chills: severe infection may lead to fever with chills and rigors.
  7. Frequent urge for urination: Frequent urination may be a sign of infection.
kidney stone treatment in Ghaziabad

Renal Stones

Our kidneys act as filters that constantly flush out toxins and excess minerals with water in the form of urine. Urine contains lots of minerals which may precipitate and form stones. Urine has lots of pro-precipitating agents and anti-precipitating agents. When their balance disturbs due to some disease, stones start forming. These stones may often lead to abdominal pain which is referred to as renal colic.

What exactly is renal colic?

Renal or ureteric colic is the term used for typical pain in one side of the abdomen in the flank region starting from the back and radiating forward towards the lower abdomen up to scrotum. This is usually associated with nausea, vomiting, and urinary discomfort. There may be blood in the urine.

How kidney stones are related to renal colic?

Kidney stones usually form inside the kidney and lie there without causing any pain. But whenever they are dislodged and stuck at the mouth of the kidney (pelvis) or anywhere in the ureter, they block the passage of urine of that kidney. This causes swelling in the kidney termed as hydronephrosis. This swelling in the kidney causes renal/ureteric colic.

This colic is a protective phenomenon and tries to push out the stones. Small stones do come out in urine by this natural process. This spontaneous expulsion of small stones is common and many local practitioners used to get credit for it feigning benefit of their medicine. However large stones need some form of intervention to come out. Otherwise, they do harm to kidneys in the long term.

Symptoms of kidney stones along with renal /ureteric colic

  1. Most stones which are lying in calyces of the kidney are asymptomatic
  2. Nausea & vomiting
  3. Frequent urinary tract infections
  4. Fever with chills
  5. Foul-smelling urine
  6. Hesitancy, frequency and burning in urination
  7. Blood in the urine (urine with a reddish, pink or brownish hue)
  8. Passage of small stones in the urine

Treatment of renal colic

Kidney stone treatment in Noida, Ghaziabad, Vaishali, involve control of symptoms and stone removal.

  1. Expectant Treatment or Medical Expulsion Therapy: Small stones of less than 4 mm size usually pass on its own and some medicines like alpha-blockers and steroid hasten up their expulsion. Medium size stone (4-6 mm), sometimes passes with the aid of these medications. But stones larger than 6 mm usually require intervention.
  2. Lithotripsy: This method involves breaking of stones by shock waves into small dusty particles which pass through urine on its own. This is usually suitable for stones up to 1.5 cm and lying in kidneys. This is a non-operative treatment that can be done by a urologist in Ghaziabad, Noida, Vaishali, on OPD or Daycare basis.
  3. Ureteroscopy (URS): This method involves entry of a very thin semirigid scope through the urethra into ureter. Stone is broken by LASER and removed. This involves single-day admission and spinal anaesthesia.
  4. RIRS – Retrograde Intra Renal Surgery: In this method very thin flexible scope in manoeuvred through the urethra into the upper ureter and pelvicalyceal system of the kidney. Stones in the kidney or upper ureter are broken by LASER and removed. This is also done under anaesthesia and requires a day admission.
  5. Mini – PCNL: This method is suitable for large renal stones. In this technique, a small hole is made into the kidney through the back and a tiny scope is entered into the kidney. Stones are broken by LASER and removed. This is done under anaesthesia and requires two to three days of admission.