Urinary Incontinence And Perineal Rupture
Urinary Incontinence And Perineal Rupture

Urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a fairly common condition among women, but they rarely talk about it on their own initiative, considering it embarrassing, shameful.
Urinary incontinence affects women 5 times more often than men. About 10-25% of women between 25-65 years old suffer from a form of urinary incontinence, the percentage increasing to 40% in women over 65 years old.

Urinary incontinence is defined as the involuntary loss of urine through normal anatomical pathways, due to the bladder and/or sphincter disorders. Loss of urine may occur with exertion (coughing, sneezing) or may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as pollakiuria (frequent urination), nocturia (urination during the night), urinary urgency (urgent need to urinate).

Loss of urine is a symptom that occurs in many diseases: congenital genitourinary malformations, neurological diseases or most commonly (80% of cases), due to insufficient musculoskeletal support – suspension and uterovesis.

The diagnosis of the type of incontinence is made by the urologist in Noida, after the clinical examination and after performing specific urodynamic tests.

Rupture of the perineum

Perineal rupture is a generic, medical term that defines the relaxation of the musculoskeletal system of the perineum and is not mandatory to occur only in women who have given birth vaginally. It can also occur in women who have not given birth or at a long interval from birth to menopause.

Rupture of the perineum may not affect the patient in any way, as well as may cause sexual discomfort, sometimes to the point of frigidity or indifference of the partner; urinary incontinence at lower and lower efforts (sometimes just walking) or lowering of the pelvic organs (uterus, bladder, rectum) through the vulvar cleft, outside, is called prolapse.

The treatment of this condition can only be surgical, the operation being performed most frequently through the vagina, rarely requiring an abdominal approach. Perineal surgery can also be aesthetic: just as many women want more beautiful noses, lips or breasts, some want a more toned perineum, a tighter vaginal lumen, greater sexual satisfaction, sexual comfort as at 20 years old.


Both perineal rupture and urinary incontinence are accentuated with age, the symptoms becoming noisier, more annoying. Therefore, it is necessary that the two diseases be diagnosed in time and thus be able to be treated properly, the therapeutic sanction being depending on the indication of the best urologist in Noida: medicinal, surgical or associated.